LM Immigration Services

General terms and conditions

Article 1: General

1.1 These general terms and conditions apply to all services and work, in the broadest sense of the word, performed by LM Immigration Services and third parties related to LM Immigration Services.
1.2 The general terms and conditions form part of all agreements of assignment entered into between LM Immigration Services and the client as well as follow-up assignments and amended or supplementary assignments.
1.3 Assignment includes the provision of advice by way of consultation.
1.4 Deviating clauses shall only be effective if and insofar as they have been expressly confirmed in writing by LM Immigration Services.
1.5 In case of nullity or nullification of a provision in these terms and conditions, the other provisions will remain in force and the null or nullified provision will be replaced by mutual agreement between the parties by a provision that approaches the scope of the original provision as closely as possible.
1.6 If a situation arises between the parties that is not regulated in these terms and conditions, the situation is to be interpreted according to its intention.
1.7 The general terms and conditions also apply to the employees of LM Immigration Services as well as all other persons involved in the execution of the assignment and/or on whom any liability might rest in connection therewith.

Article 2: Assignment

2.1 The manner of execution of the assignment and the person(s) by whom this is done will be determined by LM Immigration Services. LM Immigration Services will take the wishes of the client into account as much as possible.
2.2 LM Immigration Services shall perform the work with the utmost care; however, LM Immigration Services cannot guarantee the achievement of any intended result.
2.3 The client is obliged to provide LM Immigration Services with all information and data reasonably required for the execution of the assignment without delay. Adverse consequences of not provided or incorrect information or data shall be borne by the client.

Article 3: Payment

3.1 The client will be charged an hourly rate or agreed fixed price for the work to be performed. If no written agreement is made in this regard, the hourly rate will be charged.
3.2 The hourly rate is exclusive of VAT and exclusive of any disbursements or payments to third parties (e.g. application fees or costs for requesting documents).
3.3 Bij afspraken met een afstand van meer dan 20 kilometer vanaf de vestigingsplaats van LM Immigration Services, wordt er een vergoeding van €0,21 per kilometer in rekening gebracht. Voor de reistijd wordt de helft van het uurtarief in rekening gebracht. 
3.4 LM Immigration Services is gerechtigd een voorschot aan de opdrachtgever in rekening te brengen alvorens de overeengekomen werkzaamheden te verrichten. Uitblijven van werkzaamheden door niet gedane betalingen kunnen LM Immigration Services niet worden aangerekend, nadelige gevolgen van opschorting van de werkzaamheden komen volledig voor rekening van de opdrachtgever.
3.5 Indien de opdracht een aanvraag betreft en er een vaste prijsafspraak wordt gemaakt, wordt het gehele bedrag in beginsel in rekening gebracht alvorens de aanvraag wordt ingediend. Afwijkende afspraken kunnen worden gemaakt in de opdrachtbevestiging.
3.6 Bij voortijdige beëindiging van een aanvraag door de opdrachtgever wordt er geen restitutie van het voorschot of de betaling gegeven.
3.7 Betaling dient binnen veertien dagen na de factuurdatum te geschieden. De opdrachtgever wordt geacht in verzuim te zijn indien de vordering niet binnen deze termijn wordt voldaan, zonder dat ingebrekestelling is vereist. Bij verzuim is de opdrachtgever de wettelijke rente alsmede de buitengerechtelijke incassokosten verschuldigd.
3.8 Alle kosten die LM Immigration Services moet maken in verband met een gerechtelijke procedure tegen de opdrachtgever zijn voor rekening van de opdrachtgever.

Article 4: Liability

4.1 If there is a shortcoming in the execution of an order and damage results from this, LM Immigration Services is not liable for this damage insofar as the shortcoming does not involve intent or recklessness.
4.2 Mocht er alsnog sprake zijn van aansprakelijkheid dan is deze in elk geval beperkt tot maximaal het verzekerde bedrag.
4.3 Any claim against LM Immigration Services shall in any event lapse twelve months after the event causing the damage was discovered or reasonably should have been discovered.
4.4 When engaging third parties, the utmost care will be exercised by LM Immigration Services. LM Immigration Services shall not be liable for any damage resulting from shortcomings of third parties.

Article 5: Confidentiality

5.1 LM Immigration Services is obliged to keep the information and data provided by or on behalf of the principal confidential vis-à-vis third parties, unless a legal or professional obligation necessitates disclosure.
5.2 The client is not allowed to disclose or otherwise make available to third parties the contents of advice, drafted documents or other expressions of LM Immigration Services.
5.3 The retention period of records is 5 years from the date of completion of the work.

Article 6: Final provisions

6.1 The legal relationship between LM Immigration Services and the principal is exclusively governed by Dutch law. The Dutch court shall have exclusive jurisdiction. In case the law leaves room for a choice of competent court, the court in Gelderland is competent.
6.2 These general terms and conditions have been drawn up in Dutch and English. In the event of a contradiction between these texts or their interpretation, the Dutch text shall be binding.
6.3 LM Immigration Services is entitled to amend the general terms and conditions from time to time without prior notice. The amended terms and conditions shall apply to all subsequent legal relationships between the client and LM Immigration Services and can be viewed on the website of LM Immigration Services.

Versie september 2024